Little Tommy’s Plumbing Warranty
Plumbing Repair, Installation, and Replacement Warranty
Thank you for choosing us to complete your service work. If you have any questions regarding the service provided, please contact us within five business days of the completion of work so that we can address your concerns.
Our Guarantees
At Little Tommy’s Plumbing, we are so confident in the quality of our workmanship that we offer warranties on all services we provide.
Our warranties cover:
- Labor. We guarantee our workmanship for 90 days. This applies only as it relates to specific new parts that we have provided and for the work stated.
- Parts. All new parts that we provide are warranted for one year or as warranted by the manufacturer of the part(s).
- Rodding. All drains are warranted for a 30-day period from the date of service as stated above.
Guarantees are doubled for members of our Saver’s Club!
You can reach us at (847) 443-9115 or you can complete our online contact form to schedule Highland Park plumbing services.

Plumbing Warranty Details
WARRANTIES: The following warranties are provided for work that was performed by Little Tommy’s and paid in full. Warranty calls for services that are unpaid, must be paid prior to a technician being dispatched. Warranty work is performed during normal business hours only. If an after-hours warranty call for a non-emergency situation, an upcharge fee will be collected. (NOTE: Customers are required to report any issues with our work within 48 hours of service completion.)
SERVICE CALLS: One (1) year parts and labor. (Note: warranty for parts is limited to those provided by Little Tommy’s)
EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONS: Two (2) year warranty on labor. We honor the manufacturer’s warranty on parts/materials provided by us.
OWNER PROVIDED PART/EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONS: 90 days on workmanship only. We hold no warranty on products not provided by us.
PARTS: All new parts/materials provided by us are warranted for one (1) year OR as warranted by the manufacturer.
DRAIN CLEARING: We provide a thirty (30) day warranty for kitchen sinks; toilets; lavatory drains and laundry drains. One (1) no charge return to clear a drain within the thirty (30) day warranty period.
RESIDENTIAL SEWER/SANITARY LINE(S): Warrantied for thirty (30) days on root intrusion only. One (1) no charge return to clear a drain within the thirty (30) day warranty period. To receive the warranty line clearing, a video of the line will be required. We warranty lines that have a proper four (4) inch clean out. No warranty for lines through water closets or roofs. No warranty for lines obstructed with any foreign objects. We do not hold any warranties on commercial drains.
NOTICE REGARDING PUMPS: Pumps, including sump, ejector and back up pumps, need to be maintained regularly. Back up pumps are not a guaranty to stop flooding. They do add an extra level of protection for your home. Little Tommy’s does not offer warranty against flooding.
As you plan for your home repair/improvement project, it is important to ask the right questions to protect your investment. The tips in this fact sheet should allow you to protect yourself and minimize the possibility that a misunderstanding may occur.
- Contractor's full name, address, and telephone number. Illinois law requires that persons selling home repair and improvement services provide their customers with notice of any change to their business name or address that comes about prior to the agreed dates for beginning or completing the work.
- A description of the work to be performed.
- Starting and estimated completion dates.
- Total cost of work to be performed.
- Schedule and method of payment, including down payment, subsequent payments, and final payment.
- A provision stating the grounds for termination of the contract by either party. However, the homeowner must pay the contractor for work completed. If the contractor fails to commence or complete work within the contracted time, the homeowner may cancel and may be entitled to a refund of any down payment or other payments made towards the work, upon written demand by certified mail.
- A provision stating the grounds for termination of the contract if you are notified by your insurer that all or any part of the claim or contract is not a covered loss under the insurance policy, you may cancel the contract by mailing or delivering written notice to (name of contractor) at (address of contractor's place of business) at any time prior to the earlier of midnight on the fifth business day after you have received such notice from your insurer or the thirtieth business day after receipt of a properly executed proof of loss by the insurer from the insured. If you cancel, any payments made by you under the contract will be returned to you within 10 business days following receipt by the contractor of your cancellation notice. If, however, the contractor has provided any goods or services related to a catastrophe, acknowledged, and agreed to by the insured homeowner in writing to be necessary to prevent damage to the premises, the contractor is entitled to the reasonable value of such goods and services.
Homeowners should obtain a copy of the signed contract and keep it in a safe place for reference as needed. To file a complaint against a roofing contractor, contact the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation at 312-814-6910 or file a complaint directly on its website.
Please use extreme caution when confronted with the following warning signs of a potential scam:
- Door-to-door salespersons with no local connections who offer to do home repair work for substantially less than the market price.
- Solicitations for repair work from a company that lists only a telephone number or a post-office box number to contact, particularly if it is an out-of-state company.
- Contractors who fail to provide customers references when requested.
- Persons offering to inspect your home for free. Do not admit anyone into your home unless he or she can present authentic identification establishing his or her business status. When in doubt, do not hesitate to call the worker's employer to verify his or her identity.
- Contractors demanding cash payment for a job or who ask you to make a check payable to a person other than the owner or company name.
- Offers from a contractor to drive you to the bank to withdraw funds to pay for the work.
- Get all estimates in writing.
- Do not be induced into signing a contract by high-pressure sales tactics.
- Never sign a contract with blank spaces or one you do not fully understand. If you are taking out a loan to finance the work, do not sign the contract before your lender approves the loan.
- Remember, you have 3 business days from the time you sign your contract to cancel any contract if the sale is made at your home. The contractor cannot deprive you of this right by initiating work, selling your contract to a lender, or any other tactic.
- If the contractor does business under a name other than the contractor's real name, the business must either be incorporated or registered under the Assumed Business Name Act. Check with the Secretary of State to see if the business is incorporated or with the county clerk to see if the business has registered under the Assumed Business Name Act.
- Homeowners should check with local and county units of government to determine if permits or inspections are required.
- Determine whether the contractor will guarantee his or her work and products.
- Determine whether the contractor has the proper insurance.
- Do not sign a certificate of completion or make final payment until the work is done to your satisfaction.
- Remember, homeowners should know who provides supplies and labor for any work performed on your home. Suppliers and subcontractors have a right to file a lien against your property if the general contractor fails to pay them. To protect your property, request lien waivers from the general contractor.
If you think you have been defrauded by a contractor or have any questions, please bring it to the attention of your State's Attorney or the Illinois Attorney General's Office.
Attorney General Toll-Free Numbers Carbondale…… (800) 243-0607 Springfield…… (800) 243-0618 Chicago…… (800) 386-5438
To learn more about warranties at Little Tommy’s Plumbing, give us a call at (847) 443-9115. We serve clients throughout North Shore and Lake County.

Honest & Reliable Service
We are committed to helping you solve your plumbing needs as quickly as possibly.
No matter what you hire us for, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. We're not happy unless you are.
Plumbing can be unpredictable. We'll be there to clean up the mess when the unexpected happens.
Transparency is key and we want to make sure you feel confident in our service and your investment.